Through 2009, the town of Sumirago had identified the need to deploy a video surveillance network across key areas of the town to offer the local residents and businesses an additional level of safety and security within their community. Sumirago is a small town in the region of Lombardy, located about 40 km northwest of Milan and about 10 km southwest of Varese. srl.,a Gold Channel InfiNet Partner, working for years in the field of wireless applications by importing and distributing radio products and assisting System Integrator in drawing complex systems, was chosen to work in partnership with Tel.e.Sic to plan and deploy the wireless surveillance network across the municipality.


Solution Technology

  • InfiMAN and InfiMAN 2x2 point-to-multipoint products;
  • Dynamic Access Marker software feature for improved network resilience;


  • Easy to scale up & redeploy camera sites due to wireless infrastructure & InfiNet's software upgrade capability;
  • Installation & commissioning of network without intrusive construction techniques;
  • Ability to carry other data/voice traffic whilst still prioritising video traffic;
  • Highly resilient network .


In January 2010, the Sumirago Police Department in Italy brought into service their newly commissioned wireless video surveillance network, which provided coverage across key areas of the town. The overall result, therefore, was a reliable and easy-to-deploy urban video surveillance system, commissioned quickly with minimal disruption to the local community and with the ability to quickly up-scale or redeploy elements of the surveillance network when required in the future for additional video surveillance camera points or other types of network traffic across the network.

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